Ever wondering what your clanking furnace is trying to tell you? Worry no more. Here's a list of sounds homeowners don't want to hear:
When you turn the heat on
While it's normal to hear a heating system make some noise when it turns on the first time during the season, it should be silent once it's in operation. Any noise in the boiler could indicate the that circular pump is about to fail, so you should call someone to fix it.
Something in the walls
Any sign of pests in the walls is another sound you don't want to hear. Waking up to scratches in the middle of the night coming from inside your walls could indicate that there is a mouse, squirrel or raccoon living in your home. You can use your own judgment but we'd suggest hiring an exterminator to make sure you get rid of all the critters.
Whistling furnace
A furnace can be expensive to fix and replace, so it's important to keep a close eye on it. Be sure to watch if the filter needs replacing — when it doesn't get changed, a furnace works harder to do its job. This can also lead to weird noises, as your furnace is trying to pull air in.
When it comes to your home, it is always important to practice preventative maintenance. Purchasing things like air filters regularly might be a hassle, but it's better than the cost of new furnace.